At the end of the set, we were all expecting a few encores, but the staff turned up the lights and blared heavy metal music, practically shoving us out the door. I have seen LLB at several places, including 2 other casinos and this was by far the worst place to see a show.and also the most expensive. The sound was horrible and the room way too small for a show like this - a complete disrespect to the performers and fans who paid good money and traveled long distances to be there. They hassled us at every opportunity and really took away from our experience, unnecessarily. The security personnel were annoyed we were dancing in the back, even though there was plenty of room for people to pass by. The chairs were all crowded together and the police/security presence was oppressive. Instead, they crammed us all in the ballroom, with no place to dance, ironically. This could have been an amazing show if it were in the right place. The venue for the show was a BIG disappointment in quite a few ways. The room was beautiful, though priced a bi on the high side, in comparison to other casino/resorts I've been to. The hotel was nice and the staff helpful when I got there.
I couldn't wait to get to the highly-acclaimed Morongo casino for Los Lonely Boys/Los Lobos concert last Friday night.